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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Weight Loss and Restored Vitality

At the Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) 2011 Convention, there were breakout sessions.  Below are my notes from one of them that was about weight loss and restored vitality.

In the 1970's, 10% of the people were obese.  Now, 80% are obese.  That's a 150% increase!

Today, 67% are overweight and of those, 34% are obese where the BMI = 30-34.  17% of children are obese.  $117 billion in direct and indirect costs.  40% increase in doctor visits, medications, and procedures.  1.1 million deaths from cardiovascular disease.  There are > 23 million diabetics.  1.4 million cancer cases for 2007, which was the #1 killer. 

80% of your health is determined by stress factors such as poor nutrition, environmental chemicals and negative emotions.  Stress can turn into heart disease, thyroid problems, diabetes, cancer, high cholesterol, impaired immune function, increased bone loss, excess weight, and impaired memory.  Negative emotions can deteriorate your health.

There can be 200 cancer toxins in your body.  Research has found over 287 chemicals present in umbilical cords and 217 of them are toxic to the brain.  Of those 208 caused birth defects and 180 cause cancer.

Xeno-Estrogens, which are xenohormone that imitate estrogen can cause breast cancer, endometriosis, weight gain, fibrocystic breast disease, migraine headaches, premenstrual syndrome, ovarian cysts, endometrial cancer, benign prostatic hypertrophy in men, restless leg syndrome, birth defects, and prostate cancer.  An increase in body fat stores more estrogen.  Today, there are 50% less sperm in males since the 1970's.

High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is the main cause of obesity.  It was introduced in the late 1970's and in the main stream food since the 1980's.  HFCS stops the signal to the brain to stop eating.  You always get signals to feed yourself from cells and the brain.

Standard American diet mainly consists of processed foods, lack of antioxidants, foods causing silent inflammatory reactions, and wrong nutrients.  Caffeine decreases the blood flow to the skin and it increases fat cells.  Caffeine is one of the deadliest chemicals to the body similar to cocaine.  Coffee has a lot of pesticides in it.  Decaf coffee has an ingredient that is similar to dry cleaning.

The anti-nutrients in our diet are hydrogenated oils, HFCS, processed foods, fast foods, candy, sugary drinks, and GMC.

Green tea can be toxic as it contains high levels of fluoride.  You don't know what they mix with green tea.  An average cup of tea contains 8 mg of fluoride (which reduces hypothyroid back in the 1920's).  No chemical causes cancer as fast as fluoride.  On the same note, triclosan is a known carcinogen in toothpaste.

- suppresses production of leptin (causes appetite to increase and impairs insulin sensitivity both of which cause weight gain)
- reduces insulin sensitivity
- major cause of obesity
- contributes to diabetes epidemic
- increases blood triglyceride levels, LDL, and fat deposition

In 1900, .4% had diabetes.  Today, 20% have diabetes.  23 million people have type 2 diabetes which accounts for 95% of all cases.  Environmental toxicity leads to silent inflammation in the body which causes disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity.

Causes of weight gain: decreased leptin sensitivity, clogged liver and colon, hormone imbalance, lack of enzymes, nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, genetics, yo-yo dieting, xeno-estrogens, lack of sweating, lack of breakfast, pasteurized foods, eating before bed, lack of sleep, processed foods, lack of exercise, trans fats, poor circulation, poor eating habits, and irradiated foods (microwave).

Need to provide our bodies with proper nutrition, hormone balance, and stick with USDA organic as much as possible.  Our bodies don't digest man made products well like supplements.  It needs to be whole food source.  Not all supplements are created equal and many are a total waste of your money.  Progesterone helps digest fat.  If you have thyroid problems, you may have low progesterone.

Young Living has whole food source supplements that can help supplement your dietary needs, check it out:

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