Does it really matter if an oil is pure or not? Pure, meaning undiluted. Buyer Beware!
Have you ever wondered where all of the essential oils come from that are in our personal care products? If it is truly pure, wouldn't we run out of farmland to grow the plants? Have you ever wondered why France exports more lavender than it produces? It's because they dilute the oil, making it not pure. What about all of the claims that the lavender in your soap or air freshener will relax you? Does it really? How could it? Is the soap or air freshener toxic to begin with? If the oils are really pure then why would manufacturer's combine toxic ingredients with non-toxic ingredients? Is that an oxymoron? Ask your massage therapist the next time you go for a massage to find out what the ingredients are in the oils that they use.
Just remember that you shouldn't put things on your skin that you aren't willing to eat.
Grade A (also called therapeutic grade) oils are lipid (oil) soluble and are volatile, and aromatic compounds. They are steam distilled and cold pressed over long times. The essential oils are from every part of the plant except for the seeds. The more heat and the faster the plants are processed, the more the plants lose the qualities of the essential oils.
Why shouldn't I buy essential oils in retail stores? Because less than pure essential oils may do more harm to you. Why don't the essential oils work like it says? What you find in most stores (including Whole Foods) are oils that you can't ingest. Why is that? It's because the quality of the oils are less than Grade A. They are toxic and diluted. They want to maximize profits.
An analogy is wine. Why are wines prized based upon the year they are made? That's because the growing season has different components each year like soil, wind, sun, rain, temperature, and altitude. Same goes for the plants that are grown to produce the essential oils. Each harvest is different. If a manufacturer of essential oils wants to make it smell and taste the same year after year, they would have to alter the compounds. Thereby destroying the therapeutic benefits of the essential oil.
It is up to you, as the consumer, to be educated about essential oils. You want to maximize the dollar spent on the value that the essential oils give you.
Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) has only Grade A (therapeutic grade) oils which are GRAS approved by the FDA.
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