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Monday, February 27, 2012

Hidden Hazards of Air Fresheners

How toxic are your air fresheners? Do you think they actually freshen your air? Well, from watching television commercials, you would think that they are made out of flowers and do freshen your air -- as if you had placed fresh cut flowers all round your house. However, most air fresheners actually have the opposite effect and make your home's indoor air more polluted!

Our homes today already typically have very poor air quality due to many chemicals that are now found in our cleaning products, home building materials like paints, carpets and cabinets, and home furnishings like mattresses, couches and more. In fact, your home may be more polluted than it is outside. So do you really want to make your indoor air quality even worse with so-called air fresheners??
They can release air-polluting chemicals that can actually make you sick. When people use air
fresheners, the phthalates are released into the air where they may be inhaled or may land on the
skin and be absorbed. Once these chemicals enter the bloodstream, they can alter hormone levels and cause other health problems. The important thing to remember is you don't want to cover up odors with chemicals and perfumes. Get rid of them - the green way.

Did you know?
  • Air fresheners almost never “freshen” the air. They just mask odors, either with synthetic fragrance or by interfering with your ability to smell by coating your nasal passages with an undetectable oily film or releasing a nerve-deadening agent. In rare cases, they will actually break down the offensive odor.  Did you know that people who use a lot of toxic hair products have less of a sense of smell? It kills your ability to smell by way of a nerve-deadening chemical. 
  • Known toxic chemicals that can be found in air fresheners include camphor, phenol, ethanol, formaldehyde, benzene, volatile organic compounds, and artificial fragrances can cause symptoms like headaches, rashes, dizziness, migraines, asthma attacks, mental confusion, coughing and more. Some of the substances in air fresheners are linked to cancer or hormone disruption.
  • A study published on July 10, 2010, in Environmental Health found that women who used more household cleaning products, including air fresheners and mold removers, had a 2x higher risk of breast cancer.
  • Many aerosol air fresheners contain toxic phthalates, which have been linked to birth defects and reproductive harm.  Other conditions include cancer, neurological damage, developmental disorders, headache, anaphylaxis, respiratory distress, dizziness, lung irritation, fatigue, confusion, and nausea irritated eyes, nose, throat.
Some alternatives:
- Baking soda
- White vinegar
- Soy candles
- Open the windows
- Essential oils
- Spices
- Non-toxic alternatives

Check out this blog about diffusing Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO):


For more information:

Sunday, February 26, 2012


History of Diffusing

The term "aromatherapy" was coined by the French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé in the early 1920s. Gattefossé spent his life devoted to essential oils and their healing properties. However, for more than 6,000 years prior to Gattefossé, aromatherapy had been used by the Egyptians, Romans, and the Greeks. Imhotep, an Egyptian physician, suggested that oils be used for massage, bathing, and embalming the dead. Hippocrates, known as the father of modern medicine, used aromatic smoke and vapors to purge Athens of the plague.

Today, much has been theorized regarding the effects of diffusing essential oils, which can be considered similar to the aromatic smoke used by Hippocrates. It has been hypothesized that when essential oils are diffused, they can increase atmospheric oxygen by releasing oxygenating molecules into the air. Not only can essential oils increase oxygen in the atmosphere, they also increase the body’s ability to transport oxygen into the cells. The lipid-soluble structure of essential oils allows them to easily penetrate the cell membranes of the nose and enter into the bloodstream. Once in the bloodstream, the oils can help transport oxygen and nutrients into the cells.

Primary Benefits+ Transform your surroundings: Create a relaxing, spa-like atmosphere or instantly brighten the mood of your home or office.
+ Eliminate odors: Remove lingering smells without resorting to synthetic air fresheners.
+ Protect your family’s health: Safeguard your family’s health by detoxing your home from harmful household chemicals.
+ Increases oxygen.
+ Increases ozone.
+ Increases negative ions.
+ Kills microbes, bacteria, and viruses
+ Removes dust particles.

What Makes This Product Unique?Young Living Essential Oils' (YLEO) Home Diffuser combines the latest in diffuser technology with increased usability. By breaking up a mixture of water and essential oil into millions of micro-particles, the Home Diffuser disperses an aromatic mist into the air, activating the beneficial constituents found in Young Living Therapeutic Grade™ essential oils. The diffuser comes complete with continuous and internal timer settings and the option to enjoy its soothing light system. Ideal for diffusing any of your favorite essential oils, it’s the perfect addition to any room in your home.

Check out this blog about the hidden hazards of air fresheners:


For more information:

Monday, February 13, 2012

33 Ways to Use Thieves

These products are from Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO)

Thieves Essential Oil Blend
1.   Rub diluted on the bottoms of feet for extra protection, especially during winter.
2.   Put 2–3 drops on a dryer sheet to freshen laundry.
3.   Drop on stubborn adhesives, such as glue and chewing gum, to remove from surfaces.
4.   Drop 4–5 drops on a tissue and attach to an air vent to freshen a hotel room.
5.   Diffuse for 24–48 hours straight to eliminate household mold.

Thieves Household Cleaner
6.   Use as a pre-wash spot remover for tough fabric stains.*
7.   Use diluted as a pre-soak for dirty sportswear.
8.   Add a capful when rewashing a forgotten laundry load to eliminate mildew odors.
9.   Use diluted to remove grease, food, or pet stains from carpet.*
10. Use to remove tough stains on plastic food storage containers.
11. Use undiluted to clean tough areas, such as ovens and rusted metal.
12. Spray diluted on plants with mold.
13. Use to clean stubborn “bathtub ring.”
14. Use to remove hard-water buildup and soap scum.
15. Use to remove fi ngerprints from stainless steel, glass, mirrors, and other surfaces.

Thieves Spray
16. Spray inside car to freshen the air and surfaces.
17. Spray on filter in vacuum to freshen the air while you clean.
18. Spray on silk and fake plants to clean.*
19. Spray in closets to freshen and protect from unwanted microbes.
20. Spray on sheets before making the bed to freshen.
21. Spray on laundry, especially towels, while folding.
22. Use to remove permanent marker from surfaces.*
23. Use to eliminate unwanted anthills and other pests.
24. Use as a bathroom or mudroom deodorizer.
25. Bring on vacation to freshen clothes and hotel rooms while traveling.
26. Spray in water-damaged rooms to eliminate mildew odors.
27. Use to clean tree and plant sap from hands and gardening tools.

Thieves Wipes
28. Wipe countertop and cutting board to disinfect surface before preparing food.
29. Wipe down handle and child seat on shopping cart before use.
30. Wipe down toys or playground equipment.
31. Wipe down doorknobs, handles, phones, keyboard, and other surfaces that are handled often, especially after someone has been sick.
Thieves Mouthwash
32. Put inside a small spray bottle to use as a breath freshener.

Thieves Cleansing Bar Soap
33. Use as a pre-wash treatment by scrubbing stains and spots.*

*Before trying tip on a large area, test a small inconspicuous spot for color safety.
33 Ways to Use Thieves®
Thieves Essential Oil Blend

Friday, February 3, 2012


MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a monster bacteria created by the medical use of man-made antibiotics and antibacterial agents employed principally in hospitals. It was first detected in the 1960s, only a few years after a new semi-synthetic form of penicillin (Methicillin) was introduced. Hospitals are where this germ originated and is still where it is principally found.

“MRSA is spread by contact. So you could get MRSA by touching another person who has it on the skin. Or you could get it by touching objects that have the bacteria on them. MRSA is carried, or “colonized,” by about 1% of the population, although most of them aren’t infected. Staph (MRSA) can be a problem if it manages to get into the body, often through a cut. Once there, it can cause an infection. Staph is one of the most common causes of skin infections in the U.S.” source:

MRSA Facts

- MRSA is a resistant form of Staphylococcus aureus that can live on the skin and cause skin infections
- Community Acquired MRSA (CA-MRSA) can progress from first symptom to death in as few as 3 days
- Intact skin is the body’s natural defense against infection.
- Any abrasion or break in the skin creates a potential portal of entry
- Abraded skin under a knee pad may create a portal of entry for infection. Knee pads do not protect against infection, and they may, in fact, be carriers of bacteria that can cause infection.
- CA-MRSA has many treatment options and is very treatable, with many options, if diagnosed in the early stages
- MRSA is most commonly misdiagnosed as a spider bite, impetigo or as a harmless pimple. Look for disproportionately greater pain compared to the size of the affected area to help differentiate MRSA from lesser concerns. Another important thing to consider is that spider bites are extremely rare. You are more likely to be struck by lightning than to be bitten by a spider. Informed health care professionals in high risk environments often treat “spider bites” as MRSA if a dead (brown recluse) spider cannot be produced.
- Always consult a health care professional immediately if MRSA is suspected

Some interesting statistics:
    - In 1969 the U.S. surgeon general proclaimed “the war on infectious diseases has been won.”
    - In 1974 just 2% of the most common form of staph infections found in hospitals were resistant to the common antibiotic methicillin. Today more than 60% are impervious to it.
    - This year nearly 2 million Americans will get bacterial infections while in a hospital. 90,000 of them will die.
    - Current estimates place the annual cost of treating drug-resistant infections at more than $10 billion.
    - As ultraresistant strains continue to rise, so will demand—both for treatments and for new ways of preventing the spread of bacteria before it takes root in a person’s body.

Medical science has no effective treatment for MRSA infections.

Since Modern Medicine has no cure for MRSA and is, in fact, the cause of MRSA, the most likely means to combat MRSA is essential oils, which are among the most versatile and effective antimicrobial agents known. Not only do essential oils have powerful antibacterial properties without side effects, they are also incapable of producing resistant strains of bacteria as synthetic pharmaceuticals do.

Thieves Therapeutic Oil Blend Kills Bacteria!
Theives Oil had already been scientifically tested at Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, and found to have a 99.996% kill rate against all airborne bacteria.

In November 2006,the University of Manchester published findings from their extensive research on the action of essential oils on the hospital super bug MRSA. In every case study it was found that the essential oils used in Thieves Oil destroyed MRSA 100%.

Seventy-eight of the 91 single oils tested showed measurable inhibitory activity against MRSA. The top ranking oils, in descending order of effectiveness, were Lemongrass (Cymbopogen flexuosus), Lemon Myrtle (Backhousia citriodora), Mountain Savory (Satureja montana), Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum verum), and Melissa (Melissa officinalis). The most effective single oil, Lemongrass, completely inhibited all MRSA growth on the test plate. 

Of the 64 YL blends tested, 52 showed zones of inhibition, while 12 showed no detectable inhibitory activity against MRSA.  These blends: R.C.™, Motivation™, and Longevity™ have the highest level of inhibition.  Melrose and Thieves were also on the top of the list.

There are two reasons essential oils do not and cannot create resistant strains of bacteria:
(1) Essential oils are extremely complex, comprised of hundreds of compounds, while laboratory-produced medicines are simple, usually consisting of only one or two active ingredients. Thus, bacteria have less difficulty in breaking the codes of a man-made medicine than in attempting to form a resistance to a natural medicine like an essential oil.
(2) Furthermore, essential oils are never twice the same while every batch of a pharmaceutical drug is always the same, reproduced with laboratory exactness. Hence, with repeated exposure to the same identical drug, bacteria eventually figure out its toxic properties and develope resistance. However, since essential oils are never identical from year to year, even if bacteria did figure out an oil’s effective components in a given year, they would have to start all over with the next crop.

The reason essential oils are not exactly duplicatible is because the growing environment for a plant is never the same year to year. Some years are warmer than others, some cooler, some with more rain, some less, and if you compare the same species grown in different latitudes, altitudes, climates, and soils, you get even greater variations.

Therefore bacteria will never figure out nor become resistant to an essential oil because they are too complex and because they are always changing. Man-made medicines are temporary, but God’s medicines are forever.

The reason essential oils are so effective is because they are made up of a complex mixture of chemical compounds which the MRSA and other super bug bacteria finds difficult to resist. The problem with current treatments is that they are made of single compounds which MRSA relatively quickly becomes resistant to, so treatment is only successful in around 50% of cases.  Plus, these are could cause skin irritation.  MRSA is often carried in side the nose and patient often have to insert treatments up their nostrils.  Wouldn't it be nice to just smell an essential oil instead?

Sources and Resources

For more information:

Mosquito Repellent

How many of you cringe at the thought of putting mosquito repellent all over your body?  It definitely works, but have you stopped and thought of what your skin is absorbing into your bloodstream?  Ew is right. 

DEET is a member of the toluene chemical family which is a common solvent that is used in rubber and plastic cements and also paint removers. It is absorbed through the skin and then into the bloodstream and intestinal tract.

People do get skin irritations and rashes from it.  Other side effects include damage to brain cells, a negative effect on the central nervous system, loss of memory, headaches, fatigue, respiratory problems and more.  It is not safe for babies less than 2 months old.  The use of DEET on children can be even more dangerous because their nervous systems are still developing.  If you have to use DEET on small children, use a small percentage of DEET in the repellent.  Make sure that you wash it off (no pun intended) as soon as you will be indoors.

Did you know that DEET was developed by the US Army for use in jungle warfare? 

Did you know that when you apply sunscreen and DEET that the DEET makes the sunscreen less effective?

What essential oils can we use for mosquito repellent? 
Purification, Palo Santo oil, lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, citronella, palmarosa, cedar, geranium and others.  Since the essential oils are of a high concentration, they must be diluted before applying them directly to the skin.

Purification is a Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) blend of therapeutic grade essential oils, no carrier oils added. It is a blend of Citronella, Lemongrass, Lavandin, Rosemary, Melaleuca alternifolia and Myrtle. The Purification blend cleanses the air and neutralizes odors when diffused. It disinfects and cleanses cuts and scrapes and alleviates itching and redness from insect bites including spiders, bees, hornets and wasps. The sooner you can apply Purification to a bite the smaller the reaction will be. The essential oils draw out the sting toxins and keep them from spreading through the body. In the case of an allergic reaction to a sting, apply Purification neat (without diluting) to the site of sting every 10 minutes while you are on the way to seek medical attention.

Here's a great website from Seventh Generation about natural mosquito repellant:

Sources and Resources:

PLEASE NOTE: The information in this article is based solely on the use of 100% Pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils due to their high quality and tested purity. The use of a brand of uncertain quality and/or purity will provide you with potentially dangerous, if not lethal, results. The author assumes no responsibility for your improper use of this information. The statements about these oils have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These oils are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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