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Friday, October 28, 2011

Learn More About Essential Oils

Welcome to the exciting world of essential oils from Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO)! 

The essential oils are therapeutic grade, which offers the most effective wellness products. There's a remedy for each and every healthcare concern.
Essential oils are the oldest and some of the most powerful therapeutic agents known to man. The use of essential oils extends far back to ancient Egyptian days and beyond. Learn more about the rediscovery of essential oils over the last 100 years…

Essential oils are highly concentrated natural plant extracts; a drop or two can produce significant results. Learn more about how essential oils have a positive effect on the human body…
Only therapeutic-grade essential oils have this kind of effectiveness. Oils that have been processed with high heat and pressure have an inferior profile of chemical constituents and cause allergic reactions to the human body. Learn more about Young Living distilling process of essential oils and the "Buyer Beware" market…
If you are worried about the ill effects that daily doses of chemicals in your personal care products can have on your health, you have good reason for concern. The list of potentially harmful ingredients found in our everyday products is staggering. Learn why they are harmful and which products don’t have petrochemicals in them…
Did you know that burning essential oils (as in a candle) changes the chemical structure of the oil and releases toxic compounds into the air? Learn why heating essential oils releases toxins…
Cold air diffused oils don’t just mask odors; they actually alter the structure of the molecules that create odors – rendering them harmless! Learn more about how the essential oils reduce bacteria and mold…
A new laboratory test known as ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity), developed by USDA researchers at Tufts University, rates Ningxia Red as the number one antioxidant product on the market. Learn more about wolfberries and how they can help boost your immune system…
If you live in the Raleigh area, book a party or an educational meeting and learn more about the points listed above. 

For more information:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Colds and Flu

During the cold and flu season, everyone suffers.  It all starts with that one person who gets sick and then their germs are spread to others.  Anyone within 3 feet of an infected person can catch the flu.  Germs can live for hours on doorknobs, tables, computers, etc...  All it takes is for someone to touch an infected area and rub their eyes or nose and they are sick.  One thing that really urks me is when people sneeze in their hand and don't wipe those germs off.  Use a hand sanitizer if you can't wash your hands right away.  It is hard to keep your immune system up with all of the germs in our everyday life, our poor eating habits, being over worked, over stressed, and over tired.  There are billions of cases of the common cold and flu every year.

So, what can you do at home to protect yourself from getting sick?  Eliminate the germs that can make you sick and build up your immune system.  A couple of Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) products to try are Inner Defense and Thieves.

Here's a couple of links from Young Living for Inner Defense and Thieves:

I have books and brochures at home that have a lot more detail about this topic if you would like to read them.

Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

My husband and I take these softgels during the cold and flu season and have been quite healthy over the past few years.  How has this product helped you stay healthy?

For more information:

Sunday, October 16, 2011


At the 2010 and the 2011 Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) Convention, Dr. Dan Purser  talked about low progesterone.  The comments below are notes from the conventions that I took.  You can find a lot more on the web about this topic.

The most common cause of low progesterone in younger women is pituitary damage by the following:
     - Trauma (sports)
     - Sheehan's Syndrome
     - Motor vehicle accidents
     - Surgical incidents
     - Any traumatic shock event
     - Tumors
     - Drug inhaling
     - Stress

Low Progesterone causes:
     - PMS
     - Headaches
     - Endometriosis
     - Hot flashes (note: only 2% of the time, this is caused by low estrogen)
     - Day and night sweats (note: only 2% of the time, this is caused by low estrogen)
     - TMJ disorders
     - Insomnia
     - Demyelination -> neuropathies
     - Lack of libido
     - Hair loss
     - Increased acne

Five B's of estrogen dominance:
     - Backache
     - Bleeding
     - Bloating
     - Breast tenderness
     - (Rhymes with witchiness)
     - uterine fibroids (there is a "b")

Benefits of progesterone:
     - Mood elevates
     - Stops 95% of TMJ inflammation
     - Reduces breast cancer
     - Aids somnolence (sleepy)
     - Heals nerves
     - Reduces endometriosis symptoms
     - Improves bone density
     - Improves libido
     - Makes breasts light and fluffy

Synthetic "progestational agents" worsen the risk of breast cancer.  MPA (medroxy progesterone acetate) is carcinogenic.

Even after one birth control pill, you get a 10+ years increased risk of breast cancer.

Progessence Plus = fully formed progesterone from yams (P4).

Progesterone prevents menstrual migraine headaches.

Here is the link from YL's website:
That lists the ingredients and how to use it along with the pdf file.

My testimonial for this is that in June 2010, I had TMJ.  I turned to my dentist and he prescribed 3 different medications (that were awful) that worked only a little and I also went to a massage therapist.  Then, I went to the convention and heard Dr. Purser's talk about low progesterone and how it helped over 95% of TMJ cases.  I decided to try it.  All I did was rub Progessence Plus on my carotid artery 2-3 times a day.  Within a week, my TMJ cleared up.  Amazing!

Several women that I was with said that it made them feel happy when they rubbed it on their carotid artery.

How do you think that Progessence Plus can help you?  Has it helped you?

For more information:


There have been a lot of studies on Frankincense and its anti-tumoral properties.  In fact, the Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) 2010 convention was all about frankincense.  They mentioned frankincense at the 2011 convention.  They said that frankincense doesn't kill cancer, it digests it.

Here are a couple of links on the Frankincense oil which includes a pdf on the oil and the research.

Here's some statistics from the 2011 convention:
1 in 6 have prostate cancer
1 in 8 have breast cancer
1 in 14 have lung cancer
1 in 19 have colon cancer
1 in 72 have pancreas cancer

     - inhibits aggressive cander cells
     - provides tumor cell-specific killing
     - reduces oxygen radicals in cancer cells to induce cell death
     - activates genes for suppressed cancer cell growth and elevated cancer cell death

Quote from the following webpage:
"Out of a population of almost three million, the total number of malignancies in Oman in 2008 was 1,992, with total deaths of 194. The population of the United States is 305 million, and in 2009 there were 1,479,350 cases of cancer with 562,000 deaths."  "Could it be that their use of frankincense has had its impact in the prevention of cancer? Some Omanis believe that their cancer-free life is a result of burning the frankincense resin and chewing it daily."

Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted.  Frankincense can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be.  It closes down the nucleus to stop reproducing corrupted DNA codes.  Boswellic acid, a potent anti-inflammatory durg, inhibits rejection to the same extent as high dose steroids.

How can we use frankincense in our lives?  We can diffuse the oil in our cold air diffuser, we can put a drop in a drink or veggie capsule, or we can burn the resin with a resin burner.

For more information:

How will you use frankincense in your life?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Getting Started

My mom lived in AZ and was working for a chiropractor who used Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) on her patients.  After awhile, mom was a believer in how the oils can help your body.  She started attending Marcella Vonn Harting's monthly oil meetings and became friends with her and signed up in 1998.  Over the years, she shared her oil knowledge with her family and friends.  I'll have to say that I wasn't a believer at first and it took me awhile before I became a believer.  I signed up to be a distributor in 2006 when I went to my first convention in Salt Lake City and have been actively involved with the oils by buying and using their products, hosting aromatherapy parties with foot soaks at friends' houses, and teaching aromatherapy sessions at Girl Scout Leaderee weekends with my friend Wendy.  Today, I use at least one oil a day whether I use the Thieves Household Cleaner, drink Ningxia Red, or use an essential oil.

For more information:

How did you get started with Young Living Essential Oils?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Favorite Oils

What are my top favorite oils from Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) and why?

I like to use lavender when I am having troubles sleeping. I put a drop on my hands and cup them over my nose. I also put 4-6 drops on my feet. I also use lavender for burns and cuts.

I like to use peppermint when I have an upset stomach. I just put 2 drops in a glass of water and I feel better within 10 minutes. Peppermint also helps with minor headaches. I rub some oil on my temples, forehead, back of my neck and then breathe it in from my hands. It's also a great breath freshener and it relieves sore muscles.

For more information:

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Welcome everyone to Heidi's Oils For Healthy Living Blog.  This blog is to talk about Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) products and how you use them.  Each blog post will represent a health concern and suggestions to help.

For more information: