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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Colds and Flu

During the cold and flu season, everyone suffers.  It all starts with that one person who gets sick and then their germs are spread to others.  Anyone within 3 feet of an infected person can catch the flu.  Germs can live for hours on doorknobs, tables, computers, etc...  All it takes is for someone to touch an infected area and rub their eyes or nose and they are sick.  One thing that really urks me is when people sneeze in their hand and don't wipe those germs off.  Use a hand sanitizer if you can't wash your hands right away.  It is hard to keep your immune system up with all of the germs in our everyday life, our poor eating habits, being over worked, over stressed, and over tired.  There are billions of cases of the common cold and flu every year.

So, what can you do at home to protect yourself from getting sick?  Eliminate the germs that can make you sick and build up your immune system.  A couple of Young Living Essential Oils (YLEO) products to try are Inner Defense and Thieves.

Here's a couple of links from Young Living for Inner Defense and Thieves:

I have books and brochures at home that have a lot more detail about this topic if you would like to read them.

Disclaimer:  These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.

My husband and I take these softgels during the cold and flu season and have been quite healthy over the past few years.  How has this product helped you stay healthy?

For more information:


  1. Nigxia Red works great for keeping me healthy

  2. Last Friday, my daughter and I went into CVS and in the Minute Clinic area was a sick child. I didn't go within 3 feet of that child, but as I walked through the front door, I did cross that child's path to the Minute Clinic as I got what I needed. The next day, my daughter started getting a runny nose and was cranky a little. So, before bedtime, I put peppermint by her ears on the cheek side t...o help stop an ear infection. I also mixed R.C. (blend of eucalyptus, marjoram, lavender, and peppermint), Thieves (blend of clove, cinnamon bark, eucalyptus, rosemary, and lemon) and lavender with some lotion and rubbed it on her feet, back, and chest. I also put those same oils in a diffuser so that she would breathe it in as well. The next morning, she had a crusty nose. Throughout the day, she did not have a runny nose anymore and she was feeling good. For safe measures to kill the bacteria and viruses, I rubbed her again with the oils before bedtime and diffused them. The next morning, she was back to normal.
