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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Homeostasis and Weight Loss

It’s a fact that humans crave sugar.  The body craves what it feels that it is missing.  Unfortunately, we now tend to crave sugary foods that are less nutritional than we did long time ago. 
Feed your body, not the craving.
Homeostasis is a biological balance, the body’s method of keeping internal stability.  It is a state of perfect wellness.  Your body stores fat and will shift it to another area of your body rather than release it as energy.  When you exercise, try to get total body workouts.  When you diet, do it gradually. 
“With obesity being the Number 2 cause of preventable death in America and a 76% increase in Type II diabetes in adults 30-40 since 1990, people are looking for alternative, healthy ways to lose weight and change their lifestyle.”

Essential oils can complement or offer an alternative solution to mainstream diet plans because they can address various areas of health and wellness that are often the core of the issue.  Essential oils address the emotional and physical components of these issues.  Essential oils kill the bad bacteria and leave the good, they can combat viruses and fungi, they don’t have any negative side effects, and they help alkalinize the body (better health).

Using essential oils on a daily basis helps to maintain vitality and wellness. 
The primary reason is that natural products help us reduce weight by bringing the body back into a state of balance or homeostasis. When this happens the body is supported in returning to its original state; and therefore long term weight loss is possible.
What oils can help with weight loss?
-      Cypress, oregano, and peppermint help strengthen us mentally and emotionally
-      Lavender and ylang ylang help us during times of stress
-      Grapefruit, peppermint, and rosemary give us energy
-      Peppermint and grapefruit help curb our appetite
-      A blend of basil, lavender, cypress, and grapefruit helps to reduce fat in the body
-      Cypress, lemon, oregano, and grapefruit are diuretics

Diffusing the oils, massaging them on your skin, or ingesting them are all good ways to use them.

When the body is out of balance – it will not let go of the weight!

Sources and Resources:

Related Blogs:
New Year, New You - The Slique Experience
Aroma and Satiation: Do They Go Hand in Hand?

For more infomation:

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